Online Reviews and Testimonials:

 "I absolutely love SOCO products. They feel and smell great! I've used them the past 4 days and my skin feels fantastic. I've actually been wearing less makeup because my face feels so fresh and healthy that I don't want to put anything else on it. Thanks again!"   --Lauren Galea, Austin, TX

SOCO Sample/Travel Kit: "I've been using the products provided in the Sample Travel Kit for about 3 weeks and love them!! I can already tell a difference in my complexion! My skin is smoother and my foundation goes on flawlessly. Although this is a sample kit, it goes a long way! Thank you!"  -Yolie

SOCO Symphony Anti-Aging Elixir: "This is a repeat purchase for me and I will probably buy the products in the future. By the way, I am 74 years." -Lesuz

SOCO Black Lava Scrub: "I love this product so much. It smells amazing and keeps my skin clear and smooth!" -Kim W.

SOCO Sample/Travel Kit: "I have been using SOCO skin products for almost a year and was short on cash, to purchase the full symphony, but with the travel kit I was able to continue using the skin care line without interruption. I LOVE this entire package, it covers your entire beauty routine in a beautiful little pouch. Thank you." -R. Colette

    "I have been using SOCO religiously since last February, especially the daily moisturizer.   When I finally realized I needed to pay more attention to my skin about 6 years ago, I tried recommendations from family and friends, but never really noticed a huge difference and felt I was mostly maintaining to slow the signs of aging.  I feel like SOCO has actually been reversing the signs of aging to an astonishing degree.  I have had many people ask me over the last 6 months what I do for my skin care and comment on how soft, smooth and youthful my skin looks.  I even had 1 person tell me I look 19 (I'm 35!).  That's a little crazy, but it did happen! :)  As you can imagine, it feels wonderful to receive such compliments.   I would recommend SOCO to anyone and everyone and in fact, 4 of my friends have already purchased based on my rave reviews!  Go SOCO! :)"   --Ashton Arthur, Austin, TX

SOCO Sample/ Travel Kit"I realize that some people can't just jump into new products, they have to get their toes wet first. This is their chance for an amazing toe wetting experience. Four spectacular products that fit in the palm of your hand. Remember the adage about good things in a small package; well, this package is a gold mesh pouch. This rich little gift pack comes complete with simple instructions an elementary school student could follow. It is perfect for a last minute gift for that friend who needs to start taking care of their skin. A gift is worth a thousand words. Since true skin care is gender neutral you could keep a half dozen in the closet and never be caught with your pants down on any gift giving occasion. Now if we could convince Scarlett to offer the Icona Symphony in this smaller convenient size." G. Cobb

SOCO Sample/ Travel Kit: "I love the convenient travel size of these amazing products. I fly to higher, dryer elevations and love being able to have the oil at ready as soon as I get off the plane. Thanks for making traveling with all my favorites easier." R. Collete

SOCO Symphony Anti- Aging Elixir: "I have been embracing this seemingly counter intuitive way of Skincare for some time now. Not with these products but a haphazard mix of my own design. Never have had quite the same results- these products are my "Holy Shit" moment. Large pores (that I have had so long I've named) are closing before my eyes, sunspots lightening, scars fading, the glow, the elasticity coming back. I'm close to 60, been road hard and put up wet many a time, sun bleached and wind blown. It's hard for men to develop good habits without seeing some kind of results quickly. This Skincare program is the nearest thing to effortless that I've stuck with in the 20 years I done anything for my face. So stop doing the intuitive thing (scrubbing away your natural oils) and start doing the counter intuitive- adding regenerative oils to heal you skin. Gregg - Austin/Dallas/Denver- retired" G.Cobb

"I have always had oily skin. It leads to flaking in my eyebrows, underneath my eyes and (especially) in my mustache and goatee, when I'm growing facial hair. I traditionally used the big company products, like Johnson & Johnson, and was resigned to the fact that this was just how my skin was going to be. Then I tried the SOCO Black Lava Scrub plus the Symphony oil. I use them once a day, and it has made a dramatic impact on my skin. The flakes are gone, and my skin is much healthier. I am glad I have found a solution!" - Josh Bauman, Austin, TX

    "For months and months, my forehead was consistently covered in weird bumps. These breakouts were always there (on my entire forehead) and very embarrassing.   In addition, I also had occasional nose breakouts and red, dry, patchy skin. I had tried many product lines and even tried some home remedies.  I also tried spot treatments and a countless number of masks, ointments, etc. Nothing worked! Along with the more typical teenager issues, I also had a fungus around my mouth that I got during an outreach trip to Rwanda, Africa.  The fungus appeared every few weeks and absolutely nothing would get rid of it. I started using SOCO products and I noticed amazing results in only a few days.  My forehead was clearing up, my dry patchy areas were completely gone, and then the unexpected; the fungus around my mouth went away and has NEVER come back! I have been using SOCO products for a few months and my face is 100% clear. Now all of my friends want to know my secret to amazing skin.  I gladly tell them I use the SOCO Lava Scrub and the SOCO Symphony oil moisturizer.  I am thrilled with the results;  my skin is glowing and soft.   And to top it off, the Symphony moisturizer looks incredible under my makeup.  I couldn't be happier with these products! I will never use anything else."   --McKenzie Kendall, Age 18, Austin, TX

   "Before switching to SOCO, I used different brands of creams on my face. All of the moisturizers I used clogged my pores and my skin did not improve. Since switching to the SOCO oil based moisturizer, my skin has gotten younger looking over the past 3 years. It gIves me a fresher, more vibrant look that lasts throughout the day and I've seen great results over time. The oil is absorbed so it leaves my skin moisturized but not greasy. I feel I'm getting the finest products for my face that I've ever used because I can trust the ingredients and I've experienced the results."   --John Constantine, business owner and entrepreneur, Austin, TX

    "I am so happy to have a chance to write about my experience with SOCO, amazing yet simple skin care product! I have been using SOCO facial regimen for a year now. I had been using La Prairie for years prior to that believing it works since it is one the most expensive facial products out there. I have a combination skin and have a trouble of occasional hormonal breakouts and dry cheek and under the eyes areas. My first introduction to SoCo was very interesting. At first it was hard to believe that one product is enough to replace toner, serum and cream! I decided to give it a try and used it for two weeks to see if it works. The nutritious skin oil was absorbed to my skin instantly and started to show my skin’s natural glow instead of sticky heavy coating of cream! I liked the scent from the essential oil, natural color and texture. I started to believe in the product and start using the cleanser too. I fell in love with the cleanser. It is so gentle and leaving my skin so clean and supple every time I used it. Its mild exfoliating effect was great for my breakout area too. My skin looks great and gives me lots of compliments from friends. I am so glad that I switched to SOCO and will keep enjoying the beauty it brings to me."   --Naae Kim, licenced acupuncturist, Austin Family Acupuncture, Austin, TX

SOCO Canto Lip Balm:"Talk about a product being as addictive and cocaine or worse- ice cream! I could stay home and mainline this lip balm for days. Seriously, I have plans to name a daughter Vanilla Mandarin. My only concern is that my passion for this product will melt it in my pocket before I get a chance to eat it, eh, I mean use it." G. Cobb

   "I started using I SOCO Symphony Moisturizing Oil in my early 30's, just when my first visible wrinkles were beginning to appear. I am now 35, it's been about 3 years since using SOCO Symphony as my primary moisturizer and I am so pleased that those few wrinkles I had have softened, and have not deepened over the past few years.  I have also seen improvement in my pore size and lightening of dark spots.  I absolutely love the way SOCO feels and smells, it brings instant relief to my skin when it is dry or stressed and feels so rich when applied around the eyes.  I love knowing the ingredients are so pure and effective, I can feel my skin drinking in the nourishment and can visibly see the difference in the tone and softness.  The SOCO Black Lava Scrub feels amazing, I am a scrub fanatic and this is the most unique one I have tried. It gives an instant glow, and when I use it along with the SOCO Rose Clay Mask my face looks and feels instantly so much brighter and firmer. Thanks SOCO! :)"   --Katie Reeves, Austin, TX

SOCO Black Lava Scrub: "I've have these small wide mouth jars on my bathroom counter into which I empty all my toiletry products. Family and friends visit and explore my bathroom trying to get a handle on me. With no product info or brand names they actually have to ask. So the conversation goes like this: "What is that tarry looking stuff that smells so good?", Me-"Oh, you wouldn't be interested in that, it's just a face scrub I put together out of creosote, baking soda and sugar." "No you wouldn't put that on your face." Me-"I do and it works great"; "Hey if you don't believe me, go ahead and try it". Reverse psychology works really well in my circle. They try it and rave about how wonderfully luxurious it feels, how it doesn't leave their face screaming for moisture. They tell me, all of the things that I would tell them if I was trying to get them to try something new: like stop eating bread, cut down on your sugar, stop watching so much TV! Humans only change when they want to change. Oh right-This Lava Scrub- Orchestra- is like nothing you have ever used- my skin is so sensitive I can only use other scrubs once every 3 days. Using a scrub twice a day is just crazy talk! Scarlett, is an Alchemist- she has turned a simple scrub into gold." G. Cobb

  "I've been using the SOCO Rose Clay purifying mask for almost three months, and my skin is so soft! The Rose Clay is silky and fragrant and incredibly mild, and it's luxurious: one-third rose petals. It definitely works with my sensitive skin - I even use it to soothe my face when I've gotten too much sun. I love the SOCO lip balm - it may be my favorite SOCO product. I always have one with me and use it all day long. It's buttery, delicious, and super moisturizing."   --Kay, award winning writer, teacher, chef, artist & musician

SOCO Aria Rose Clay Mask:  "Of all the products in this lineup, this one is the most challenging for me. It's not the products fault; It's operator malfunction. I think it's because I'm a guy. We don't do masks! But, the few times I have they have been slippery thin homogenized muddies with no substance. Everything else Scarlett has formulated has been beyond extraordinary, why would this be any different. This is a mask with stuff in it! It's stiff, it's beefy, it takes a little time to get use to it. I mean, just how powdery can you make rose pedals and green tea leaves. I just want my cake and I want to eat it! But, we are talking about fragile, potent, organics that when mixed with liquid have a finite window of opportunity to collide with one of your most precious tissues and extract those youth robbing toxins and neutralize the free radicals in your skin. This mask is simple in its formulation yet complex in its ability to heal. Anything less would be just another commercial mask laden with fragrance, preservatives and more toxins than it eradicates. So with this mask you will find joy in the journey and experience more than you expected. On the other side of this journey is a beautiful refreshed face staring back at you from the mirror." G. Cobb